like you to meet my daughter; her name is Sela Vea Stone. Sela will be 44 in May
2015, and she lives in the Ft. Lauderdale area of Florida. Sela works with
plants: she nurtures countless different species of plants for over 50 accounts
in S.E. Florida.
Sela cares for her plants in almost the same way she cares for herself, her friends and her family; she also cares for her environment: the earth & the air & the sea. Sela loves all life forms, and all of life loves Sela. Knowing she was sent to me as a reflection of Gods love, this connection I have with my daughter isn't confined to our "earth journey" because we will be in each others hearts forever...
Sela is one of the loves of my life and I am very proud to be her mother...
NOTE: Sela currently lives in Oregon and is now the owner and operator of J. Stone Cards.